Awww, Oxford! 😻 I felt the same exact way as you about the new Em Hen (the delight of making a little afternoon trip to the bookstore on release day!). And you’ve got great taste in iced bevs, definitely inspiring my next coffee shop trip 🧊

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Such a delight! And wow, the biggest of compliments…iced bevs are my love language

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I'm also currently fixated on rewatching my comfort K-dramas (Hospital Playlist ftw!), while also trying to finish two books that I started two weeks ago

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I haven’t watched Hospital Playlist yet!! I’ll add it to my list though. Good luck finishing your books 🫡

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Treating this like a little letter written especially for me xx <3

1. I watch k-dramas!! I'm a reader! Don't spare me the details!! (Also I've been watching See You in My 19th Life -- have you seen it?)

2. LOVE Chain Gang All Stars. We'll need to talk about it!

3. The cognitive dissonance and ensuing guilt(?) is very relatable. It's good to grapple with it.

4. I never thought about this before, but I'm really glad I watched Her when I did, exactly for the reasons you wish you had watched it sooner. Was so rattling at the time! And now look, here it is :S

5. Oxford is a perfect baby little angel, I love her

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it is a letter written for you now 🥰

I haven’t watched that one yet but it’s on my list!! I just finished Queen of Tears. And YES PLEASE a friend lent me Chain-Gang All-Stars and it really surprised me.

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au contrair my good friend — I am a k drama addict and will gladly lend you my ear. let’s chat k dramas!! I thoroughly enjoyed this read through. 💕 thanks for sharing your words.

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oh excellent, I absolutely need to chat about them!!

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Girl I’m loving the physics era! All my thoughts and prayers to sweet Oxford who is gorgeous xxx I saw challengers a few weeks ago for the first time and thought of you bc of how many films you watch!

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❤️❤️❤️ ty ty! Oxford says hi, I know I'm beautiful. and also I'm so honored you would think of me!! How did you like the movie?!

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Oh I loved it! I wasn’t sure what to expect tbh and I actually thought the trailer did it a disservice? It was way more fun irl! Loved the vibes and I feel like a lot of films I’ve watched recently (albeit great) are more serious so I enjoyed the silly tennis love triangle vibe. I think I enjoyed Patrick the most and that definitely has NOTHING to do w the fact my bf is called Patrick xxx thought the boys carried it tho fr- what did you think?

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deletedMay 17Liked by Steph
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Yes! Even the books of hers I didn’t love are ones I’m okay with. I think I’m going to reread them all this summer to see how I feel about them now!!

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