It’s not cringe or cliche! Its actually hard lessons! (To practice gratitude and acceptance of life) love your round ups as always! You read and watched so much! I have no tips on the Netflix thing I am a comfort tv watcher and I have to force myself to watch new shit all the time LOL maybe there’s nothing wrong w us! Also yes to the cold foam starbs. As a person who can sleep on caffeine those really r like crack lol
It’s not cringe or cliche! Its actually hard lessons! (To practice gratitude and acceptance of life) love your round ups as always! You read and watched so much! I have no tips on the Netflix thing I am a comfort tv watcher and I have to force myself to watch new shit all the time LOL maybe there’s nothing wrong w us! Also yes to the cold foam starbs. As a person who can sleep on caffeine those really r like crack lol