You are with swimming with what I was with competitive running! To make the decision to go collegiate or to put the hat down. These photos!! Also curious on your thoughts for the college sports swimming novel Deep End by Ali Hazelwood to come…lol

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Running is always the closest equivalent to swimming I can think of in that they’re both very mental sports and there is that individual vs. team aspect! I wanna hear more about your running career 👀

Um also DIDNT KNOW ABOUT THAT BOOK lolol calm down Ali …but I’ll read it

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Loved reading this! I agree entirely with your reservations with Chlorine — I go back and forth on whether it was deliberate angst/juvenility. I guess it doesn’t matter in the end. But the book felt far too YA for me. Outside of that one scene, it may have benefited from being categorized as one imo. Love the photo of you and your sisters here too, and learning more about your swimming background! Our childhood fixations really do follow us no matter what, don’t they?

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100%! I am so curious why they didn’t just market it as YA — it’s not like those books can’t get violent or gory or dark. That would have removed a lot of the dissonance for me, I think.

And truly, our childhoods just haunt us forever 😅🤣

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These photos!! Loved this. I've also been returning to the more gruesome origins of many of our mermaid myths for a lil side project of my own, so this was great to read!

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!! I thought about saving this for an internet rabbit hole post instead but lost steam — I’d much rather read your take instead!!

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Loved and appreciated this review!! I will now absolutely not be reading it bc it sounds so incredibly lacklustre but thanks for allowing me to feel like I have read it. The writing about your own experience was absolutely my fav - she’s author mermaid 🧜🏼‍♀️

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“My swimming career did not dazzle like Ren’s, but it didn’t end with a bang either; it fizzled out after a boy broke my collarbone in three places, horseplaying after I’d asked him to stop” Such good writing!

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Oh my god, this piece took me right back to my competitive swimming days too. I remember sitting in class once, leaning onto my forearm and thinking... "Is that chlorine smell ME?!". And don't even get me started on the condition of my hair.

Like you, my swimming career fizzled at about 15 but I am still 100% made for the water and I'd do anything to have the fitness I did at that age - I have no idea how I managed it!

Thank you so much for this review, I had no idea Chlorine was so close to home so I might need to hype myself up to read it!!

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