May 29Liked by Steph

YMAFODWYB is the essential summer read imo and I hope to get to Chain Gang this summer too. I'd recommend Elena Knows (litfic), Enter Ghost, Redwood Court (coming of age in SC, the south generally screams summer to me ha), Fancy Meeting You Here (romance) and to cry on the beach: Nightcrawling or stories from the tenants downstairs

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Oh these are excellent, thank you! I’m from the south so hard agree lol and Nightcrawling in particular has been eyeing me from my TBR shelf for ages

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I’ve had Our Wives Under the Sea on my list for so long - definitely need to get my hands on it soon

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Yes yes I know it’s not for everyone but I think going into it without any expectations for plot gives you the best experience

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Thanks! Saving this. I’m sure to pull a few from there for my summer reading. ‘You Made A Fool of Your Death With Your Beauty’ sounds tempting.

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Thanks for reading! That one is a quick read — you’ll be aghast!

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1. Yes to better conversation being a reason to read something that might not be a complete favorite

2. All these recommendations are so good

3. I laughed out loud at the first footnote

4. Let's start our own Our Wives Under the Sea fan club?! I read it with my book club in 2022 and everyone disliked it but it quickly went onto my forever list of favorites.

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Thank youuuu and yes to the fan club! It has a fairly low rating on Goodreads too and I feel so defensive 😂

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I've had Ali Smith's 'Summer' in my TBR since it was published. I made a silly rule where I'd read each of the quartet in the corresponding season. Every year summer flies by and it just doesn't get read. This newsletter has been a good prompt to finally pick it up... except it's winter where I live and I dunno, I've held out this long, it just wouldn't feel right to read it right now...

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I read the quartet during the corresponding seasons as well! It was fun. Maybe by the time summer rolls around for you you’ll feel more motivated to pick it up 😅

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We have so. many overlapping books on our lists which I have not encountered yet, how fun! The only reason The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs came off my list was because I started it this weekend 😂 Loved this!

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Love to hear that! And hope you enjoy the dinosaurs lol

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Recently got The Guest and can't wait to get to it!

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I hope you enjoy it!

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Steph these are SO FUCKING GOOD. Taste baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rabbit Hutch as sensory overload, abso-fucking-lutely. Gotta share that with Tess <3

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omg my queen ily and can’t wait to see what you read this summer hehe

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It is soooo interesting you loved Our Wives Under the Sea bc I hated it? Lmao idk maybe I wasn’t in the right headspace for it. I think I wanted a monster to appear and felt cheated that that did not happen. Also hard agree the UK Guest cover is atrocious I hate it.

I’ve been meaning to read Valley of the Dolls for so long so perhaps this summer is THE time!

Okay I’ve been sitting on what to recommend you re translated or more diverse. For trans: you’ve gotta read ‘A Little Luck’ or ‘Still Born’ (re mothering that you said preciously you were interested in). If you are wanting something weird but fun ‘Cousins’ by Aurora Venturini or ‘Drive Your Plow’ by Olga Tokarcuzk if u haven’t already read it! I also think you’d enjoy ‘The Details’ by Ia Genberg (lit fic vibe) - okay that’s 6 lmk if you like the look of any (all written by women yay) if not I’ll come back and throw more at you.

In the vein of diverse - I read ‘Cantoras’ this month urgh LOVED and off the back of that I wonder if you’d enjoy ‘Lakiriboto’ by Ayodele Olofintuade or the short story collection of ‘Every Drop is A Man’s Nightmare’ (best short story collection I’ve ever read). I also feel like pushing ‘Pyre’ and ‘Abyss’ your way (Abyss I read last month and again ties in w motherhood themes a bit)

Ok I’m done xxxx maybe that’s too many 💝

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OOPS HIT ENTER. I really like plotless literary fiction in this vein and it’s certainly annoying to some lmao the ending is NOT satisfying as far as the “under the sea” part goes

Ugh you have the BEST recs I’m so honored. You’re the second person to mention A Little Luck and Abyss (same person, so y’all would be besties), and Drive Your Plow has been on my list for ages. Idk what I’m waiting for! I have to check all of these out though. You’re the best thank you!!!

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It feels like Our Wives Under the Sea goes one way or another so I’m not that surprised!! Honestly didn’t like it as much immediately after finishing it and then it grew on me. But I also really like

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Our Wives Under The Sea was so good!! I can't wait for Private Rites to come out this summer. I pre-ordered a copy from Blackwells!!!

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omg I’m SO excited. I need to preorder as well — and maybe from Blackwells too if the same UK vs. US cover issue is going to exist for this one!

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The covers are different again AND it’s releasing in June in the UK!!

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I just noticed this!! And not until December in the US?! How sad

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My favorite summer read so far has got to be Kelly Link's THE BOOK OF LOVE. Honestly, I feel like you would love this book? It's got romance, teenage angst, a blurry line between reality and fantasy a bit like Our Wives Under The Sea, a disaffected northeastern town, queerness, music, literally has made me laugh out loud and weep, both.

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Oh say no more. What you’ve posted about it is intriguing too. I’m going to go find a copy immediately!

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Loved this!! “dystopian heebie-jeebies” needs to be its own genre haha

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My favorite, I fear

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This is a great summer list! We have some fun overlap between our lists (even in books that I had to leave off the final version of mine because of space!). The Lightness is a book I don’t see many other people recommend, though I often do!

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Yes, I don’t know why I don’t see it around more!!

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deletedMay 28Liked by Steph
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Yes definitely! I like Our Wives more than The Pisces but clearly just love ocean books lol

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They're both so good! I hope you love them

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